The Key Teeniepings are special Teeniepings of the Emotions Kingdom living in the Mystic Town. They appear as the main interest of Secret Catch! Teenieping, where they are all released on Earth by Jennie.
- To discover all the Key Teeniepings, check the List of Teeniepings/Season 3 page.

The three main Royal Key Teeniepings
In total, twenty (considering the four Nursepings as one single Teenieping) Key Teeniepings are known to exist, with three of them (Okeydokeyping, Nanaping and Trueping) being the Royal Key Teeniepings, and one of them (Luckyping) being a Legend Teenieping, ruling over the Mystic Town and protecting her fellow friends.

Styleping's house in the Mystic Town
They form a joyful community living in the Mystic Town. They have their own houses in the cubes of the Mystic Town, and some Teeniepings have jobs, like Styleping who styles everyone's hair, Fashionping, who makes clothes for every Teeniepings, or Cureping who is the doctor of the town: globally, they seem to be an advanced civilization (unlike, for example, the Jewel Teeniepings, who do not seem to have precise roles). The Key Teeniepings also have their own events, like the Luck Festival.
Just like the Teeniepings of Season 1, the Key Teeniepings have a very playful and messy personality once freed, even when they are not brainwashed by Jennie. They like to have fun without caring much about the consequences of their actions, and try everything not to be caught when freed.
In addition to their unique magical abilities, each Key Teenieping possesses a special key stylized around their theme: it can create rectangular portals to allow them to go in and out of the blocks of the Mystic Town.

Fashionping hidden into a statue (with her jacket being her distinctive sign)
And, by flipping their key into the air, they can activate a special magic where they can hide into nearby objects, which prevents their opponent from finding them. But this ability is far from perfect as each time they hide/transform into an object, they modify the object in some way or another with a specific characteristic that they have: it can be the object's form, or its structure by adding a distinctive sign... Which does eventually help the opponent to find them. Additionally, they can still be detected by the Mystic Heart Wing, the latter of which will guess three possible hiding places for the Teenieping.
The Key Teeniepings have forever resided in the Mystic Town. They created a real community, with each Teenieping having its own house in cubes of the town, and some Teeniepings having jobs. Over time, many friendships have formed, while others broke... Traditions such as the Luck Festival are created, and Teeniepings like Fashionping and Styleping help others evolve. Except for some Teeniepings (like Twirlping), all Teeniepings spend happy days here.

Jennie releasing the Key Teeniepings on Earth
However, in "Secret Catch! Key Teeniepings", Jennie takes control of the Mystic Town and releases the Teeniepings on Earth one by one with her magical portals: she imprisons Luckyping, releases most Teeniepings mercilessly, and uses her acting talents to convince the last Teeniepings to hop into the portal themselves. Only the Royal Teeniepings, who watched Jennie carry out her plan, decide to willingly go to Earth to save their friends.

Huffyping getting brainwashed by Jennie
While The Royal Teeniepings (and Luckyping, who is currently locked in her box and unable to reveal her true identity) encounter and settle with Romi in the Secret Castle to help her catch the Teeniepings back, all the other Key Teeniepings get used to their lives on Earth. Most of them wander in all Harmony Town and live normally, by doing their regular jobs, or using their magic as they please. Some of them do however take the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and make new friends, like Splashping who encounters a pink dolphin, or Styleping who encounters and helps Bibi. But in the end, most of them get telepathically brainwashed by Jennie, so that they can start to attack Romi and to refuse to be caught. But in the end, Romi always succeeds by capturing them in some way or another, which allows them to get back to their senses.

The Key Teeniepings playing a game in the Secret Castle
As time goes on, the Key Teeniepings join Romi and settle in the Secret Castle one by one. Thus, they start to re-form a joyful and generous community: the Teenieping Hospital and the Teenieping Park open, respectively in "Hospital for Teeniepings" and "Teenieping Amusement Park for Everyone". They also get to spend live memorable moments together, like when they go camping in "Hot, Hot, Camping Commotion", or when they organize the Luck Festival in "Lucky Cookie Full of Fortune".

The Key Teeniepings as the seven dwarves
But everything isn't always perfect as they sometimes fall victim to Jennie's numerous attacks, like when they get trapped in the Magical Fairytale Book in "Snow White Romi": just as they expect to find a nice story in a book of the Secret Castle, Romi and the regular Key Teeniepings get transported into Snow White's story and becomes its characters. Luckily, the Royal Key Teeniepings' huge efforts save them just in time. Similarly, Onlyping also turns the opening of the Teenieping Park into a nightmare by covering the place with evil vines, and she even kidnaps Twirlping to prevent Romi from catching her in "Luckyping Unboxed!".

The Key Teeniepings imprisonned by Jennie
When all the Key Teeniepings get caught, they even get to meet Luckyping, who gets freed from her box, and gets ready to get back to the Mystic Town. But after organizing one last event in "Teenieping Fashion Show", all the regular Key Teeniepings and Luckyping unexpectedly get kidnapped and imprisoned by Jennie, so that their energy can be used to open the Corrupted Door, and, as the Royal Key Teeniepings and Romi go on to save them and face multiple challenges, the regular Key Teeniepings also play a key role in the battle when they oppose to Jennie's magic and stop giving their energy, which frees Luckyping and allows Romi to transform into Princess Twilight just in time before falling.
Everything ends well as Romi is able to stop Jennie, which frees the Key Teeniepings, who can then start to live happily again in the Mystic Town. Still, they do not forget about their new friends, Romi and Jennie, who sometimes come to visit them.
- The Key Teeniepings are the first known type of Teeniepings to wear clothes.
- However, it isn't the first time a Teenieping is seen with clothes: in Twinkle Catch! Teenieping, Balletping appears to be already wearing a ballet outfit, and, in her episode, she makes other Teeniepings of the Teenieping School wear a ballet outfit too.
- In "Fashionping's Design Ideas", it is revealed that these clothes were actually made by Fashionping. However, since other species of Teeniepings, such as the Dessert Teeniepings and the Star Teeniepings, are also wearing clothes, it is unknown how these clothes were made.
- The Key Teeniepings are also the first type of Teeniepings to have multiple props (for some of them at least).
- In Aliens at Heartrose!, The Aliens appeared with clothes (despite the fact they're not Teeniepings but have a body shaped of a Teenieping), so the Key Teenipings could most likely be inspired by them.