Marylou is a supportive character of the Catch! Teenieping series. She is one of Romi's best friends along with Maya, as she understands and supports her. She is a very athletic girl with a tomboy personality.
Seasons 1 to 3[]

Marylou's appearance
Marylou has fair skin lavender eyes and light green hair she has a green yellow and pink hairpin on the back of her hair she wears a short sleeved yellow shirt which has a pink heart with an angry face on the upper left corner and a green rabbit face with an death expression on the bottom right corner she has number seven in each of her slevees with the left one being pink and the other one being blue she also has a green wing like shape on the back of her shirt the neck and the bottommost of her shirt and the edges of her sleeves are white. She wears teal shorts and teal shoes she has a yellow sock on her left foot and a pink sock on her right foot. She has a yellow cap which she wears backwards with a blue badge in the front which has the number seven on it and a orange colored animal with an angry face on the back-possibly a fox-and a yellow star under it lastly she has orange bracelets on her wrists.
Season 4 & onwards[]

Marylou in her season 4 outfit
Her hair and hairpin remains the same she now wears a white shirt with a red neck and a green and pink bunny face with a pink writing under it she wears a yellow jacket with pockets and short sleeves which has green and purple stars in the back. She wears a new teal short pants resembling her shorts from previous seasons she now wears a green sock on her left foot and a yellow sock on her right foot as well as red shoes. Her cap remains the same except now it has a green and white star on the side. Lastly she has a red bracelet on her left wrist.
Marylou is a very athletic and tomboyish girl, as she was born from parents who were both national athletes. She is often seen playing sports, or on a skate. She likes challenges, and sometimes even plays with Gogoping. She's also brave and often stands up for her friends particularly when they're getting bullied or need emotional support. She also doesn't like things she deems to be ″too girly″ such as wearing a dress or putting make up.

Romi and Marylou doing a high five
She becomes fast friends with her after she moves into Harmony Town in A Shy New Classmate after this they spend a lot of time together doing fun activities like pajama parties playing football together and so on she supports Romi and even tries to cheer her up if needed After she learns that Romi is a princess their bond becomes even stronger as she now shares her secret and supports her during Romi;s catching missions.

Marylou comforting Maya
Like Romi she quicky becomes friends with her she usually helps her to be more courageous and open about her feelings as seen in "You Can Do It, Maya!" or "Maya The Little Princess" she also protects her against Lena's gang if they start to bully her they get along really well with each other.

Marylou with Luca
She loves her sister very much even though she gives her a hard time sometimes like in Turn Turn Lolliping where she runs away after Marylou tells her that she cannot ride on the carousel despite this they seem to be get along really well.
While not much is known about their relationship, it seems they care for each other it's implied that both her father and mother are national athletes which could imply that she took her atheletic nature and love for sports from them. In Dadaping, the Smart One it's revealed that her father wants her to be a taekwondo champion.
Season 1[]
A Shy New Classmate[]

Marylou being shy
She moves into Harmony Town at the beginning of the episode she later catches Cindy's pet dog, Mocha, and leaves shortly after she then visits Heart Rose and meets Romi where she asks for directions as she's new in town Romi shows her the way and she leaves for home with her sister Luca. The next day she comes to school and introduces herself but she suddenly becomes shy and runs away from class due to Shyping's magic after Shyping is caught she shows her Taekwondo skills to Lena's gang and forms a friendship with Romi.
Dadaping, the Smart One[]
She's seen giving a presentation with Maya where she reveals that her dream is to be a snowboarder.
You Can Do It, Maya![]
After Maya fails in the vaulting exam she helps her overcome her fear and tries to show her how to do vaulting after Maya falls and runs away crying she manage to convince her to try again.
Oops, I Forgot[]
She's seen sitting in the clasroom alongside other students.
Marylou's Tummy Ache[]

Marylou seeing hallucinations
She visits Heart Rose but can't eat due to her condition later in school Dreamping causes her to see hallucinations about food which makes her situation even more difficult as she mistakes Heartsping with a chicken and chases her trough the playground after Dreamping is caught she's shown eating sweets with her friends at the end of the episode.
Find Moseyping![]
She orders a cake for her mothers birthday which she comes to take it at the very end.
Let's Sing with Joy[]
She's seen during the singing class along with others.
Mimicping is a Fan[]
She briefly appears making the Hye-joo dance under the magic of Mimicping.
Don't Look at the Mirror[]

Marylou's new attire
She catches Luca playing with her mom's make up before wiping her face she then complains about why the other girls so into make up she then hears a voice which turns out to be Narrping she gives Marylou a magic mirror. Next day she goes to school with a very flashy attire having shocked expressions from the others saying that she finally realized that she's the most beautiful girl in school and the whole world After Narrping is caught she returns to her usual attire saying that she loves herself just the way she is.
Come Back Home Heartsping[]

Marylou hugging Luca
She and Luca finds Heartsping in the rain and take her home where Luca tells her that she can stay here with her causing Marylou to worry. She calls Romi the next morning telling her that Heartsping is here but Romi turns and walks away after thinking that Heartsping doesn't want to come back Marylou goes after her but Romi suddenly becomes sick due to her searching for Heartsping all night Marylou takes her home and then comes back to tell Heartsping what happened while she's reluctant about returning, after Luca tells her that she's fine she goes back home Marylou hugs Luca and tells her that she did so well.
Unforgettable Birthday Party[]
She takes part in organizing a surprise birthday party for Romi alongside Maya Teeniepings and the staff of Heart Rose but they forget about the party and eat all the desserts due to Blankping's magic. After this Marylou calls Heart Rose and learns that Romi is not there so she goes to look for her with Gogoping after finding her she asks Luca to distract her until they prepare the party at the end she celebrates Romi's birthday with everyone else.
Find the Lucky Stamp[]
She helps an old lady carry her stuff and gets stamped by Goodping, as a result of this good things start to happen according to what she says she woke up late but there's no traffic so she didn't late for school, she forgot about an assignment but teacher didn't check it and she got pepperoni pizza for lunch which is her favorite and she scored three goals in football match.
Gonna Tweet It All![]
She's seen chatting with Maya and Dua in the classroom.
Angry Roarping[]
She accidentally splashes mud at Roarping with her bike making him go after her to the flower festival where she's seen alongside Maya. After Roarping is caught she walks to the Flower Shop alongside Maya and Romi.
That's a No, Nonoping![]
She is seen sitting on a bench with Romi and Maya where Maya tells that she wants to make a walnut pie for her father's birthday but Romi refuses to help due to Nonoping's magic Marylou says Maya needs help but to no avail Nonoping then sprinkles tinklepuff on them as well making all three girls argue and seperate. After he's caught Marylou ad Maya is seen trying to make a cake which didn't go too well luckily Romi brings a cake she baked as an apology and all three girls make up.
The Arrow of Luvping[]
She's lying in the playground when she saw something falling from the sky she thought it was a UFO but it's actually Giggleping.
Too Cold, Coolping![]
She makes comments about Lena Cindy and Hani saying that they look so pale when Mr. Dayne leaves class due to Coolping she says that he can't just leave during class.
Maya The Little Princess[]

Marylou teaching Ian how to dance
She comes to Heartrose for a pjama party alongside Maya at first they thought the entire bakery is belonged to them for the night unfortunaly Ian is there and wants to work on a new recipe he had in his mind Romi apologises to girls but they say it's fine and they can still spend time together. Afterwards they took selfies together and make a pillow war in which Gogoping accidently hits Marylou despite being on the same team which eventually causes them to start hitting each other non stop Maya then takes a book that had fallen to the ground and shows the others Marylou says the book is boring and it's for little kids but Maya says that she loves the book and reveals that she wants to dance with a prince as well Romi and Marylou decides to make this dream true so while Romi makes the princess dress Marylou begs Ian to be the prince and then teaches him how to dance afterwards she watches Maya and Ian dance and she also dances with Romi she's also seen sleeping with Romi and Maya in the bed at the very end.
The Upside Down World[]
During cleaning duty she's Tinkle Puffed by Oppoping alongside Romi and Maya and forcrd to spend the rest of the day upside down such as joining class upside down or asking eden for an eraser with her foot at the end they return to normal but lose their balance and fall on top of Lena, Cindy, and Hani.
Do You Wanna Be A Baby?[]
She plays basketball with others where she tells Lena to not the blame the baby she's also appeared at the end during a painting lesson with others.
Aliens at Heartrose![]
She plays baseball with Maya at the begining
Stuck with Lena[]
She suggest if they should go on a walk around the town when they come across an argument between Lena and Cindy. After they stick together by Stickping she wonders why they act friendly all of a sudden.
It's Play Time![]
She leaves Luca to Heartrose for the day which she comes to take her home at the end.
The Coolest Friendship[]
She and Maya invites Romi to eat ice cream, but she can't come as she needs to catch Teeniepings. Afterwards, they're faces are frozen by Freezeping, but the Royal Teeeniepings help them by eating the ice masks.
Teenieping From The Ocean[]
She comes across Romi while going on a picnic at the beach with her sister and father they find a sick whale at the beach shore and after seeing that a teenieping is inside Romi transforms and fools Marylou and others to go somewhere else. After the problem is solved they return with Marylou wondering where she has been all this time but she didn't have much time to question as an earthquake starts to shake the ground and they all return to town to see what's happening.
In The Name Of The Royalpings[]
When on their way back to town Marylou is concerned about Romi wondering why she go to town alone. After the town became a mess due to Egoping she gets down from car and goes to find Romi on her skateboard.
Princess Veronica[]

the three girls jumping together
She witnesses Romi's transformation into Princess Veronica, discovering her secret and also the final battle between her and Egoping. Afterwards, both her and Maya are sad because Romi needs to go, and they bid farewell to each other. Afterwards, they write a letter to Romi and throw it in paper planes only to see that Romi has returned to stay with them.
Season 2[]
Twinkle Twinkle, Jewel Teeniepings[]

Marylou and Maya hugging Romi
She first seen at a slumber party in Romi's room she shows a shooting star to others then asks Romi what she's wished for when Romi says that she wished for their friendship to last forever and ever she and Maya hugs her she then asks where are the other Teeniepings when Romi says that they go back to the kingdom to teach at the Royal Teenieping School she says that's cool she makes a wish alongside Maya. Next day she and Maya came to warn Romi that they saw some strange teeniepings they then seen searching for Romi when they saw the elevator in the construction site fall down.
Welcome to Teenieping School![]
She and Maya come to Heartrose Bakery to see Romi but when she refuses to open the door they go in by force and see Romi transformed. Romi apologizes that she had to use magic again but they say it's fine and they promise to help her whenever she needs.
Tickle Tickle, Try Not to Laugh![]
She's seen in the classroom with others.
Wishping's Three Wishes[]
When going out of school Lena puts a picture on Romi's back to make fun of her Marylou says that the mean girls are acting up again.
Shrinking Romi![]
Marylou and Maya visited Heartrose Bakery to hang out with Romi, but soon all three of them have been shrunk due to Timidping's magic. While they try to figure out what to do, a pigeon enters the bakery and startles them, causing them to fall into a customer's bag. They were eventually saved by the Royal Jewel Teeniepings, who capture and bring back Timidping to turn them back to normal size.
Tidy Up Until It Sparkles![]
She goes to help Dylan find his basketball that had been autographed MJ but is shocked to see that all the lockers are empty. After learning that Tidyping is behind it she and Maya go to help Dylan find his basketball in case he might actually lost it at the end she congratulates Dylan for finally finding his basketball.
Another Princess[]
She meets Jennie in the amusement park and they ride on the carousel do the thrill ride where Jennie makes her relax with her magic and watch a juggling performance together with everyone after Jennie is lost they all seperate to look for her before eventually found her.
Find the Gift Box![]
She is shown at the end celebrating Luca's birthday
Twirl Whirl Teenieping Ballet[]
She watches the Teeniepings' ballet performance alongside Romi and Maya.
Teenieping School Graduation[]
She attends to the graduation ceremony after that she witnesses Maskping kidnapping Heartsping before the teeniepings could leave.
Heartsping in Danger[]
After Heartsping is kidnapped Jennie and Romi go after Maskping to which Marylou and Maya tells them to be careful and don`t do anything reckless.
Season 3[]
Secret Catch Key Teeniepings[]
She and Maya come to Heartrose to tell Romi that they`re going on a biking ride they even help Romi with the chores in the bakery so they can spend time together but during the ride Royal Key Teeniepings fall from the sky right in front of them as well as a purple chest they then return home to tell the kingdom what happened.
Overeating is Dangerous, Yum yum![]
She comes into Raymond's snack bar at the end along with Romi's other classmates.
I'll Treat You, Cure![]
She's shown walking home with Romi where she accidentally helps Nursepings find Romi by telling her name.
Come on, Okeydokeyping! Let's go get them![]
She tries to cheer up Romi after she got a bad score in a test.
Romi and Heartsping's Bodies are Switched[]
She says good morning to Romi without knowing that it`s actually Heartsping and is surprised when she says chu all of a sudden she surprised once again when she praises Lena but the biggest surprise came when she solved a hard mathenatical problem with ease which baffles the whole classroom.
Fashionping's Design Ideas[]
She along with Maya and Romi looking at a fashion magazine when the box says that she`s going to wear those dresses to which Marylou asks how can a box wear anything she then tries to comfort Luca when she bump into a tree and then when her dress is torn after Maya tries to fix it she says she didn`t like it Marylou says that`s not nice of her but Luca runs away crying then they start looking for her after finding her she waches Maya sewing a Heartsping face on Luca`s dress.
Freeze! Justiceping[]
She appears at the end wearing her friendship ring on Romi`s bed.
Lucky Cookie Full of Fortune[]
She attends the luck festival helded in Heartrose she along with Maya and Luca helps Romi and the teeniepings to catch the Lucky Stars for the cookies also appreciating how pretty they look she then eats a Lucky Cookie which gives her a small basketball hoop all seems good and fun until Luca tries to give a cookie to the box which causes all the Lucky Stars go out of control and opening a portal they hide behind the tables to protect themselves after the problem is solved Marylou wonders what happened exactly.
Splash, Splashping![]
She comes into the bakery to show Romi a newspaper article which shows Splashping.
Let's Party with Partyping[]
She looks for the other girls at the begining not knowing that they`re preaparing a birthday party for her at the end she comes to the bakery and gets emotioal due to what her friends try to do for her and wonders when they have the tme to do all this.
Get a Cool Hairstyle, Styleping[]
She appears in the classroom seemingly unaffected by Styleping`s magic.
Dad's Camera[]
She comes to Heartrose with Maya and saw that Handyping fixed Sarah`s clock after Handyping fixes Maya`s dad`s camera they go out to take pictures together but Maya doesn`t want them to take her pictures when Marylou asks why she explains her situation to them at the end all the girls are looking at the pictures came out of the camera and also witness the pictures talk due to Luckyping`s magic.
I'll Get Huffy, Huffyping[]
She`s seen arguing with Maya due to Huffyping`s magic she then also Tinklepuffed by her.
Ariaping the Singer[]
She`s seen during the singing class.
Teenieping Amusement Park for Everyone[]
On a rainy day Marylou and others wonder what to do when Heartsping introduces them the Teenieping Park then Wizping makes the girls small so they can play alongside the teeniepings and they spend the rest of the day riding the tools in the park everything goes well until Onlyping comes and uses her magc to create a commotion but they saved by Luckyping who during the process gets everyones attention afterwards the girls listen to her story and is shocked when they hear that she`s actually Luckyping.
Teenieping Fashion Show[]
She watches the fashion show teeniepings held in the bakery after that when Luckyping opens a portal to the Mystic Town Jennie comes in and starts capturing all the Key Teeniepings she then transforms and makes an attack that swungs everyone in the bakery Marylou along with others then witnessed Romi going after Jennie by entering the portal before it closes.
Goodbye, Key Teeniepings[]
She is seen riding bicycles with Romi Maya and Jennie.
Season 4[]
Sweet and Sour Dessert Teenieping[]
She`s seen making cupckes at Heartrose alongside Romi and Maya.
Transformation! Princess Berryheart[]
She meets the Royal Dessert Teeniepings along with Maya.
Turn, Turn~ Lolliping[]
in the begining she and Luca come to the park to ride on the carousel but turns out that it`s broken and will get demolished soon Luca insists on riding it but Marylou says that she can`t which causes her to run away crying at the end they apologize to each other and ride on the carousel which turns with Lolliping`s magic
Stack It Up, One By One, Hotcakeping[]
She watches Dylan stacking up the tennis balls before Lena comes and ruins it she then watches the stacking competition between Lena and Dylan and cheers with others when Dylan wins.
Jellyping's Heart is Soft[]
She`s seen exiting the classroom saying goodbye to Romi.
You Can't Cry! Cupping, Muffping[]
She is seen sitting in the classroom she`s shocked along with other students when she saw Mr. Dayne acting like a baby.
Taking Care Of A Baby Is Hard, Donut[]
She and Maya saw Donutping at the park where she pats Donutping`s head for taking good care of the babies they then meet with Romi and tell her that they saw Donutping and twins at the park.
Fluffy Fluffy Marshmallow[]
She and Maya are working at the bars in the school`s playground she calls Romi to join them but she says she`s busy after that when Marylou is about to hold onto the bars Mallowping softens the bars with her magic causing Marylou to fall down.
We All Get Along Well With Little Hats[]
On the park she tells Lena to give Dylan his frisbee back they start fighting but when Chocoping uses her magic on them they become good friends to the point where they trade their items with each other in which Lena gives her Handbag to Marylou and Marylou gives her skateboard to Lena. After Fluffyping eats the choco hats on their heads they turn back to normal and both of them got irritated due to holding hands.
Sweet and Sour Dessert Party[]
She along with Maya joins the Dessert Party in the bakery after that when Sweetping and Tangyping are about to cut the cake a trap set up by Puffping beforehend sets off trapping everyone in bubblegum including Marylou.
Come Back, Puffping[]
After Puffping stoles the Sugar Berry Pact and runs away with it Sweetping and Tangyping frees everyone with their magic Marylou and Maya watched as Romi goes after Puffping.
Back To The Dessert Village[]
After Puffping is caught and Magic Sugar Ball is retrieved Teeniepings are prepearing to return to the village Maya and Marylou come to say goodbye to them brfore they leave.
Season 5[]
Queen of Hula Hoop[]
She and Maya come to the Heartrose and meet the Royal Star Teeniepings after that they all run to school only to see the Principal Olivia doing Hula Hoops in the entrance which surprises them after entering the school Maya and Marylou get hit by Hulaping's Tinkle Puff and start doing Hula hoops themselves.
She is shown in the class after school is over she goes over Noah's desk to ask questions to him.
The Delivery Has Arrived, Dingdongping[]
A misunderstanding arises berween her and Romi when they exchange their diaries but after having advice from Maya she decides to write an apology letter in her diary for Romi but she didn`t know how to give the diary to her that`s when Dingdongping comes and takes the diary to deliver it to Romi after reading the diary Romi learns Marylou`s true feelings and when she enters the bakery she hugs her and the both girls are make up.
Wandering Petitping[]
In school when Lena Cindy and Hani start to pick on Maya due to her crying over the passing of her pet goldfish, Milk, she and Romi stand up to her but after that in the bakery the girls are confused as to why her mood changed suddenly she then appears comforting Maya at the very end along with Romi.
I Want To Become Transparent, Lucyping[]
At school when Lucyping starts shooting Tinkle Puffs around chaos ensures in class with some students turning invisible after that Maya and Marylou tells Romi that they will watch over the students in the classroom before Romi goes after Lucyping.
- It is mentioned on SAMG's official website that Marylou's parents were national athletes; however, Marylou's father doesn't look like an athlete at all, unless he's retired.
- As revealed on the Mystic Heart Wing toy, her birthday is on August 18.
- Her personalities share similarities with Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.