Catch! Teenieping Wiki
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The Princesses are Romi's (or some people's) magical transformations with the Teeniepings. By kissing her on the cheek or do something different by creating the magic mixture or drink, each Teenieping triggers a different transformation, allowing the girl to gain various magical powers and costumes.

When on her Teenieping-catching missions, she transforms as soon as she sees a Teenieping is around. When transformed, Romi's identity also changes, so that Harmony Town's inhabitants cannot discover her magic secret.


When Romi is transformed, her look completely changes to hide her true identity. Each princess has a different outfit and hairstyle, each themed around a specific color. Her hair color changes, it grows longer or shorter and is completely rearranged into unique hairstyles, and she gets a crown/tiara, as well as a hairpin or a ribbon.

Her silhouette gets significantly taller, her eye color changes, and she wears some eyeliners as well as new earrings. She wears a special dress, very colorful and detailed. She has a ribbon on her chest, holding a special badge or jewel, and sometimes one at the back of her waist too, as well as a lot of accessories, like a collar, some buttons, or small jewels at the bottom of the dress. She wears tights as well as high heels. Then she wears multiple type of wrist/gloves or armband on the hand with the watch or bracelet on their hand. And finally, she can also be seen holding the various tools she uses on her missions (like wand or scepter, phone, etc).

Romi's Transformations[]

This the list of Romi's transformation currently known to have a total of 27 Princess Transformations.

Season 1[]

In Season 1, Romi transforms with the help of the six Royal Teeniepings into a magical princess representing each Teenieping's concept.

Princess Heart pose

Princess Heart
With Heartsping, Romi transforms into a pink heart-themed princess representing love, whose devise is "Open your heart!". Her hair becomes blonde, loose and grows significantly longer, and she gets blue eyes. Unlike other princesses, she can posses and move objects

Princess Cloudia pose

Princess Cloudia
With Dadaping, Romi transforms into a blue cloud-themed princess representing Rightness, whose devise is "Show your true self!". Her hair becomes blue and stays in a ponytail style but still gets significantly longer, and her fringe slightly changes. She inherits Dadaping's power to summon one or multiple mini-books, with the ability to follow a path, grab objects, or pursue someone, depending on Romi's needs.

Princess Star pose

Princess Star
With Gogoping, Romi transforms into a golden star-themed princess representing Courage, whose devise is "Show your worth!". Her hair becomes blonde and is rearranged into a double straight pigtail style, and her fringe changes and she gets orange eyes. She inherits Gogoping's power to freeze anyone her Tinkle Puff touches.

Princess Clover pose

Princess Clover
With Chachaping, Romi transforms into a green clover-themed princess representing Hope, whose devise is "Make a wish!". Her hair becomes green and stays in a wavy ponytail style but still gets significantly longer, and her fringe slightly changes, and she gets green eyes. She gets a new ability to summon special nature-themed objects, with some of them having a unique magical ability.

Princess Melody pose

Princess Melody
With Lalaping, Romi transforms into a purple music-themed princess representing joy, whose devise is "For your delight!". Her hair becomes dark purple and gets significantly shorter with the hot pink streak and has twinkle beans on her hair as her hairstyle completely changes, all embellished with a top hat, and she gets purple eyes. She gets new special musical abilities, to create a melody staff shield that protects her from her opponent's magic by sending the magic back to them, or a guitar that sending musical notes hitting the opponent as she plays it.

Princess Sunshine pose

Princess Sunshine
With Happying, Romi transforms into a red sunshine-themed princess representing Happiness, whose devise is "Shine your light!". Her hair becomes red and stays in a ponytail style but still gets significantly longer, and her fringe slightly changes, and she gets red eyes. As she barely appeared due to Happying's disappearance, she wasn't shown using any special abilities.

Princess Veronica photo

Princess Veronica
When the Royal Teeniepings are in a desperate situation, they can unify their love and force to transform Romi into Princess Veronica, a special royal white and fuchsia pink princess, representing restoration. Her hair becomes blonde, loose, and she gets blue eyes just as Princess Heart. Her outfit is very different from the other princesses, with her dress being extended, she mainly wears dip hem dress as well as her crown and wand becoming extended and longer. She is able to fly, and gets surrounded by a light aura. She also inherits all the abilities of the six princesses combined by saying the phrase "Magic Rainbow", that can create a combination of the projectile of all the princesses to severely harm her opponent and counter it's magic.

Season 2[]

In Twinkle Catch! Teenieping, Romi transforms with the help of Heartsping and the three students Royal Jewel Teeniepings into a jewel-themed princess.

Princess Diaheart pose

Princess Diaheart
With Heartsping, Romi transforms into a pink heart-themed princess, whose devise is "Spreading affection!", just like before. Her hair becomes pink and gets rearranged into a straight pigtail style, and she gets fuchsia pink eyes. She represents love.

Princess Emerald pose

Princess Emerald
With Joahping, Romi transforms into a yellow and green emerald-themed princess, whose devise is "Spreading compassion!". Her hair becomes blonde significantly grows to be arranged into a long-curved ponytail and she gets emerald green eyes. However, while her outfit is mostly yellow, her transformation color is dark green. She represents kindness.

Princess Ruby pose

Princess Ruby
With Teeheeping, Romi transforms into a purple ruby-themed princess, whose devise is "Spreading smiles!". Her hair becomes purple and significantly grows to be arranged into two thick wavy pigtails with the colorful sparkles on her hair and she gets purple eyes. She represents laughter.

Princess Sapphire pose

Princess Sapphire
With Trustping, Romi transforms into a blue sapphire-themed princess, whose devise is "Spreading conviction!". Her hair becomes blue and is rearranged into a double bun hairstyle, and she gets blue eyes. She represents trust.

Season 3[]

In Secret Catch! Teenieping, Romi transforms with the help of Heartsping and three new Royal Key Teeniepings into a key magical princess.

Princess Floraheart pose

Princess Floraheart
With Heartsping, Romi transforms into a pink heart-themed princess just like before, whose devise is "For your dear heart!". Her hair becomes pink, grows significantly longer and becomes loose, with a small curl ponytail at the right and she gets pink eyes. As Princess Floraheart, she inherits Flora Heartsping's power to counterattack Tinkle Puff with rose petals.

Princess Crystal pose

Princess Crystal
With Okeydokeyping, Romi transforms into a blue winter-themed princess representing Peace, whose devise is "For your peaceful heart!". Her hair becomes dark blue and gets rearranged into a double spiral pigtail style, and she gets light teal eyes, and she wears a winter coat and wears blue shirt with purple shade ombre around dress skirt.

Princess Solaris pose

Princess Solaris
With Nanaping, Romi transforms into a red with orange and yellow accents sun-themed princess representing Passion, whose devise is "For your passionate heart!". Her hair becomes red and is rearranged into a single braid style, and she gets bright emerald green eyes, and she wears the red round bulge dress skirt with mini yellow flower pattern. She is similar to Princess Sunshine in theme and color.

Princess Gloria pose

Princess Gloria
With Trueping, Romi transforms into a yellow cloud/star-themed princess representing Honesty, whose devise is "For your honest heart!". Her hair grows significantly longer and becomes a loose straight and ginger blonde hair with dark orange eyes, and she wears a yellow-orange dress with spots of bright blue.

Princess Twilight pose final version

Princess Twilight
With Luckyping, Romi transforms into a purple clover-themed princess representing fortune, whose devise is "For your open heart!". She has a light purple, long and classic ball gown. Her hair grows significantly longer and becomes wavy and purple. She gets purple lavender eyes, and she gets a golden tiara with purple clover and diamonds around her head like a forehead crown. She is more powerful and able to fly, as she wields a magic wand that can extend like a scepter, which can perform powerful magic of fortune and luck.

Season 4[]

In Dessert Catch! Teenieping, Romi transforms with the help of Heartsping and three new Royal Dessert Teeniepings into a dessert-themed princess.

Princess Berryheart imagine 1

Princess Berryheart
With Heartsping, Romi transforms into a pink strawberry tart-themed princess, just like before and she gets pink eyes. Her hair becomes pink and grows significantly longer and becomes wavy loose with a cupcake shape-like high bun hair behind and she gets pink eyes. She has a dress with blue and yellow transparent skirts at the bottom. She has a big purple bow on her outfit and has a strawberry tart in the middle of the bow like Heartsping’s tarts.


Princess Shabetina
With Shashaping, Romi transforms into a blue and pink ice cream-theme princess representing positivity and she gets blue eyes. Her hair becomes blue and gets rearranged into an indigo turn right curved tail ponytail with the pink streaks with purple is behind. She also has a tiara in front of her indigo bow. Her bow on her outfit has three colored pom-poms in the middle. Blue yellow and light purple. And the rest of the bow is hot pink. Her jacket is blue with colorful mini sleeves at the end. Her dress is blue with a checkered pattern. Her boot shoes are blue and have pink bows on it. She has two color ice cream earrings as well. On her bangs, she has a mini star between the blue and pink.

S4E3 PrincessSweetfloss

Princess SweetFloss
With Fluffyping, Romi transforms into a rainbow pastel cotton candy themed princess representing purity. Her hair gets rearranged into a colorful cotton pigtail. However, while her outfit is mostly colorful rainbow pastel, her transformation color is lime green with two turquoise and a green color. She has a metallic looking crown that is purple with a green cyan star in the middle. She has a long dress that is multicolored. She also has a swirl in the middle of her front hair.


Princess Jellystin
With Jellyping, Romi transforms into a purple and orange jelly-themed princess representing enthusiasm/fun. Her hair gets rearranged into a purple wavy double pigtail similar to Princess Ruby from Season 2. She mainly wears a multicolored dress with colorful orange, yellow, pink and green color under her dress and on her half-left arm she has only one long pink transparent sleeve and the short sleeve at the right elbow.

Princess Harmonious

Princess Harmonious
With Sweetping and Tangyping, Romi transforms into a light pink and multicolored red and green milkshake-themed princess, representing unity and harmony. Her hair grows significantly longer and becomes wavy loose light blonde hair with light pink streaks and the long braids at the left-sided of her hair and she gets two-colored blue eyes. Her dress is mostly light pink and multicolored with green, red and yellow accents and has golden stripes on her dress and has a red bow behind of her. She also wields a Magical Dessert (wand) scepter that she's able to create powerful magic.

Season 5[]

In Star Catch! Teenieping, Romi transforms with the help of Heartsping and three new Royal Star Teeniepings into a space-themed princess.

Princess Brghtheart

Princess Brightheart
With Heartsping, Romi transforms into a pink and rainbow shooting star themed princess, representing love, just like before. Her hair grows significantly longer and becomes wavy loose, with twin ponytails as her bangs become curtain bang and she gets pink eyes.

Princess Starlight

Princess Starlight
With Shimmerping, Romi transforms into a bright blue starlight-themed princess, representing healing, that uses a blue curl ponytail from the right side. Her dress is dark with light blue, with cozy diamonds underneath, with a gold bow with a diamond. She has white and gold gloves and blue eyes. She also has a blue (star)light theme as Shimmerping, but not to be confused by Princess Sapphire, having a Sapphire star-like shaped theme.


Princess Glamstar
With Sparkleping, Romi turns into a cyan green aurora starry sky themed princess, representing wishes, that has an Aurora theme (multicolored ombre) color hair and dress. Her hair is long. Underneath the dress skirt is mixed green, cyan and purple with bright yellow around her waist. She has yellow and cyan armband with bright cyan eyes.


Princess Lunashine
With Twinkleping, Romi turns into a bright yellow Moon themed princess, representing brightness, that has golden blonde ponytail braids, her whole dress seems to be bright yellow with a multicolored bow and has purple eyes. Her symbol theme is a shape of a crescent moon just like Twinkleping's witch hat.

Princess Aurora photo

Princess Aurora
With Auroraping, Romi transforms into a rainbow and lilac-themed legend Aurora princess, representing promise. More TBA

Heartsping: Teenieping of Love[]

Unnamed princess

Unnamed Princess
With Heartsping for the first time, Romi transforms into a beautiful pink shiny themed princess, representing love. Because there's no confirmed name for this princess, this could be the very first Princess heart.

Jennie's Transformations[]

This is the list of Jennie's transformations.

Season 3[]

Princess Labyrinth pose

Princess Labyrinth
With Onlyping, Jennie transforms into a dark mythical raven-themed princess, representing darkness and dedication. Her hair grows significantly longer, straight and platinum blonde. She has teal eyes, and her sleeveless dress is black and dark reddish, with gold celestial star patterns on her dress and has her front bow colored with light violet, magenta and gold. She also wears a black moon choker on her neck with reddish dark magenta feathers and has dark magenta roses diadem accessories around the back of her hair, and has gold celestial star earrings and a black spiked-tiara. She also wields a matching black and silver celestial moon staff that she's able to cause chaos dark magic for to do her bidding.

Season 4[]

White Labyrinth pose

White Labyrinth
This is a palette-swapped version of the Princess Labyrinth to white and gold. She represents light and dedication.


In order for Romi to best carry out her Teenieping-catching mission, she is equipped with various tools able to do everything she needs.

Teenieping catching[]

Once a Teenieping is immobilized enough, Romi can catch it using her main tool. By saying the phrase "(princess name), Magic Catcher!" (Season 1, English dub) or "Piri Piri Catch-ring, into the cube!" (Season 1, Korean dub), "Piri-piri Catch-ring, into the dia-cube!" (Season 2), the catching process starts, which creates a medal going towards the Teenieping, who gets caught in the medal as soon as it touches it.

Then, the medal enters a box which is sent back to the Emotions Kingdom through Romi's main tool. In Season 2, the Jewel Heart Wing Phone is equipped with a list of all the Teeniepings left to catch.

Magical spells[]

S2E19 - the Magical Emerald saving Giftping

Giftping saved just in time

To carry out her mission the best way she can, Romi possesses tools with numerous amounts of abilities allowing her to adapt to her current opponent and invent a strategy. She can for example create a specific everyday object, create a projectile to hit and harm her opponent, and most notably use the special ability of the Teenieping she transforms.

These spells can be used, in Season 1, by the Magic Wand by saying the phrase "(princess name), Magic Wand!" or "Piri Piri, (Type of magic) Cling!' in the Korean dub, which creates some Tinkle Puff. and in Season 2, by the Jewel Heart Wing Phone by saying the phrase "Piri Piri, Magical (princess)!", which creates a flying jewel projectile. In Season 3, She use the Mystic Heart Wing by saying "Magical (Princess)!" Which creates projectiles of what princess she is.


To protect herself from her opponent's attacks, Romi can use various tools. First, in the first half of Season 1, she uses her Magic Wand to counter the opposing magic, but this process would fail in the end as Romi's magic grew stronger.

To counter this, Romi is equipped with the Teenie Heart Shield in the second half of the season, able to create a powerful protective shield when needed, which even sends the opponent's magic back to them in some cases. This exact same ability is brought back in Season 2 in the Charming Jewel Band.

Other minors abilities[]

S1E13 - Princess Melody summoning a Teenieping

Princess Melody using her ring

In addition to all those abilities, Romi's tools also possess some more special abilities. First, her ring and her Magic Wand are all able to summon a previously caught Teenieping, by simply saying their names. And, when needed, she can also get an identified Teenieping's exact position on a map of Harmony Town.

S2E11 - Princess Sapphire talking to Cozyping

Princess Sapphire talking to Cozyping

And finally, Romi can use her main tools for various communication purposes: to talk to a caught Teenieping residing inside their cubes, to talk to one of her companions with the latter's badges, and to phone call someone from Harmony Town.


  • In some cases, the transformation process differs:
  • Some princesses in the series exhibit unique transformations, each characterized by their distinct accessories and hairstyles:
    • Some have unique accessories:
      • Princess Melody stands out with her top hat.
      • Princess Crystal has a winter coat.
      • Princess Twilight has a clover tiara with purple forehead crown.
      • All Princess Twilight, Veronica and Harmonious are wear royal gowns unlike the other princesses and wield a distinctive long magic wand.
    • While others have distinct hairstyles:
      • Princess Melody is the first princess with short hair.
      • Princess Sapphire sports a unique double bun hairstyle and second Princess to have short hairstyle.
      • Princess Solaris boasts a single braid hairdo.
      • Princess Crystal has a spiral pigtail.
      • Princess Twilight has wavy loose hair without bang.
      • So far Princess Twilight's hair is the longest out of all Princesses.
    • Some Princesses have unique colorful streaks highlight on their hair:
      • Princess Melody has the twinkle hot pink streak color on her hair.
      • Princess Shabetina has pink (in front) and purple (behind) streaks color on her hair and sometimes her hair as well as her streak color turn into the darker shade.
      • Princess Sweetfloss has the three-rainbow pastel (mainly green, pink and yellow) streak work like her nature hair.
      • Princess Harmonious is the first legend princess and as well as the fourth princess has a streak color (mainly light pink) on her hair
    • While others one has share some resemblance susceptive styles of their Royal Teeniepings's appearance (their hairstyles) from each season:
    • In Season 2:
      • Princess Diaheart's straight pigtail hairstyle has resembled the double ponytails of Heartsping.
      • Princess Emerald's curved ponytail hairstyle has resembled the curved crescent ponytail of Joahping.
      • Princess Sapphire's two buns hairstyle has resembled the two buns hairstyle of Trustping.
      • Princess Ruby's puffy pigtail hairstyle has resembled the double scabrous ponytails of Teeheeping.
  • In Season 3:
    • Princess Crystal's spiral pigtail style has resembled the double braids of Okeydokeyping.
  • In Season 4:
    • Princess Shabetina's curved tail ponytail style has resembled the single ponytail of Shashaping.
    • Princess Sweetfloss's double cotton pigtail has resembled the double cotton ponytails of Fluffyping.
    • Princess Jellystin's double thin wavy pigtail has resembled the spiral double ponytail of Jellyping.
  • And some princesses also share similarities symbols and styles with previous ones:
    • Princess Veronica's hairstyle and blue eyes color was resembled to that of Princess Heart.
    • Princess Diaheart, Floraheart, and Berryheart from Season 2, 3 and 4 respectively have the same pink heart theme and pink color as Princess Heart from Season 1.
    • Princess Solaris from Season 3 respectively have the same red color theme.
    • Ironically Princess Solaris from Season 3 has a symbol of a sun and Princess Sunshine has a sunburst star-shaped like symbol, not to be mistaken with their themes that are closely alike.
    • And other have the symbols and colors being different or being same symbols and color scheme but unlike Red and Pink Princesses, they're not respectively same colors and symbols:
    • Princess Sapphire, Crystal, Shabetina and Starlight's color was same as Princess Cloudia, but all of their symbols are different.
    • Princess Emerald has yellow dress and green jewelry accessories, but her main theme color represents green, emerald.
    • And while others have the same symbols but different colors with previous ones:
    • Princess Gloria, Princess Cloudia has both symbol of a cloud.
    • Princess Star, Princess Sapphire, Princess Starlight, and Princess Glamstar has symbol of a star.
    • Princess Twilight has the same clover symbol of Princess Clover but purple.
    • Both Star Princesses in Season 5: Princess Glamstar and Aurora has the same star themes but different concepts: Wishes and Promise.
  • And that each princesses have the same similarities:
    • They have the same facemold when because it was Romi's transformation.
    • They are mostly having bright or dark eyes with the same or different color eyes:
    • Princess Heart and Veronica have blue.
    • Starting with the next season onward after the first season most princess of love had pink hair and eyes just like their civilian counterpart but mainly brighter.
    • In the Season 2 princesses poster and Season 2 Episode 2 scene when she shows up at the bakery, Princess Diaheart is holding all the Royal Jewel Teeniepings with the disappointed expression and her eyes was being darker and become fuchsia pink.
    • Most blue princesses have same bright blue color eyes are Cloudia, Sapphire, Shabetina and Starlight.
    • But Princess Crystal having darker blue col
    • Princess Crystal has mostly had the lighter teal eyes and her eyes mainly lighter green than other princesses with green eyes.
    • Princess Clover, Emerald and Solaris had green eyes.
    • But they have different shade eyes color:
    • Princess Clover has lighter green that matches her clover theme and dress.
    • Princess Emerald has emerald green.
    • Princess Solaris has dark emerald green.
    • They are mainly using a Royal/Legend Teeniepings to transformation.
    • But also, they can allow to transform with two or more Teeniepings.
  • Only some Princesses know to do this case:
    • Princess Veronica's situation: It can allow all the six Royal Teeniepings together (with their strong love for each other and with Heartsping's desperate tear drop of love) to help Romi transform into special white, glowing princess that holds the power of all six Royal Teeniepings that performs powerful magic, to able defeat Egoping.
    • To match she is the only special princess so far not using any Legend Teeniepings to transform.
    • Because of this the Legend Teeniepings was not introduced until Season 3.
    • With some appearance of Princess Veronica's details:
    • Her themed on her dress mainly white with light fuchsia pink and golden border, her magic specter mainly has mainly white with blue and pink border with ribbon.
    • She does not have any transformation sequence and pose.
    • She has surround by the light aura in the evening.
    • She has the Royal Teenieping's royal badge to make her symbol on the bow ribbon of her dress
    • She has the same hairstyle of Romi's first lead (heart/love) princess transformation in Season 1.
    • Her outfit is mainly dip hem dress.
    • She can mainly summon the some Teenieping at the same time by using magic wands when the middle part of the magic wand shake.
    • She has all the six Princesses' mirage to perform attack "Magic Rainbow" to create the colorful bomb to attack the enemies.
    • Princess Harmonious' situation: It can allow the two Legend Teeniepings to transformation by Sweetping and Tangyping's souls in the gemstone after their death to defeat Puffping after he become monster.
    • But continually Season 4 later have changes with the something new like:
    • Drinking magic mixture drink, one by one change appearance and introduction them self with open all eyes and dotting the item to apply lip-gloss like charm point.
    • They are same transformation chain from each season (except Princess Twilight, Princess Veronica and Harmonious they have unique transformation chain.)
    • Princess Veronica, Princess Twilight, Harmonious and Aurora are only known special princess transformations so far.
  • They have something similarities:
    • All three wield long dresses, long magic wand and powerful magic.
    • Both Princess Twilight and Harmonious have only appeared in first part of last scene in one episode of full transformation and starting second part of final episode, when they and the evil force enemies are fighting each other to save the world.
    • When each princess's accessories were made from different materials:
    • All Season 1 princesses are they only wield the crowns with hairpin, badge on ribbon and crown decoration are made from plastic and they are without earrings. (Except Princess Clover's crown with wear earrings are made from gilding and silver plated).
    • Princess Melody and Jellystin are only princesses so far wearing different accessories from other princesses (likely hat and jelly under part mini silver-plated crown) instead of tiara.
    • All Season 2 and Season 3 princesses are wielding the tiara without hairpin, the badge, the earrings and crown decoration are made from jewelry and gilding. (Except Princess Emerald's tiara has emerald jewel with orange metallic.)
    • All Season 4 princesses are wielding the tiara or wear the dessert hairpin like bow with crystal jewel or dessert badge on ribbon, necklace and earring are made jewel with colorful metallic including gilding, pearl and plastic.
    • But all princesses in Season 4 have wear different sculpt structure tiara crown:
    • All Season 4 Princesses (except Princess Jellystin) in has wear the tiara size small on their different elsewhere:
    • Princess Berryheart wears the tiara, heart pearls, small size on the near central around her bun hair.
    • Princess Shabetina wears the gilding tiara small size with the pink sherbet ice cream with blue heart and the colorful sherbet decoration on the turn right bow ribbon on her high turn right ponytail hairstyle.
    • Princess Sweetfloss wears the lavender metallic with turquoise star jewel crown round size on the central double puffy ponytails.
    • All three ultimate transformation princesses have luxury accessories that has a unique crown and tiara, the earrings and the special badge are made from jewelry and gilding. (Except Princess Veronica's crown are made gilding with the little light fuchsia jewel and the light fuchsia ribbon is behind her crown.)
    • Princess Veronica, Twilight and Harmonious are the only Magical Princess transformations, are able to fly.
    • Princess Veronica, Twilight, Harmonious, and Labyrinth have longer magic wands.
  • When each season princesses are having share similarities of all princesses the Teenieping represent emotion concept:
    • Most Pink Princesses from Season 1 to 4 have the represent Love concept emotion of Heartsping to match their natural leader role with their cute and sweet personality to bring love with everyone and solving every problems.
    • Princess Melody, Ruby and Jellystin are the three princesses have the represent Joyful and Funny concept emotion of just like each season purple Royal Teenieping to match their action just like a fun, crazy and party non-stop party activities.
    • Princess Twilight is the only purple princess so far not have represented joyful, funny and concept emotion but instead she has represented of royalty as the ruler queen and bring to fortune everyone to match her ultimate transformation as the legend Princess role and protecting people just resemble Luckyping.
    • Princesses are being comparison different style and unique appearance from each season:
    • Princess Heart is the only love princess in different color appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes in Season 1.
    • And like the rest, most pink princesses have pink eyes and hair as Romi but is mostly lighter pink.
    • Example: Princess Diaheart, Floraheart and Berryheart.
    • Each season Princesses have many, low or remove details in their hand accessories and the decorate:
    • All Season 1 Princesses are only wearing two accessories on their hand like the Magic rings and Teenie Heart Shield on their Royal short fingerless gloves.
    • To match because of this is the only season so far not have any Princesses are wears the nail polish art.
    • Starting with Season 2 onward and the next season, most princesses wear nail polish art, and they were bare handed are not wear any fingerless gloves and wear a multi theme structure like long armband and medium long wrist in Season 2 or short finger loop glove in Season 3 and short wrist cuff or glove in Season 4 to match like the mission bracelet.
    • Season 1 and Season 2 is only two seasons have the princesses wears the magic device like watch to allow them to create the protective shield.
    • Starting the Season 3 and the next season this magic item like watch or bracelet to create the shield have remove from the season and will come back to the future season in someday.
    • Unlike the Season 1 princesses, the special princess like Princess Veronica has only princess wears full finger royal glove on her hand without Teenie Heart Shield and the Magic Rings to summon Teeniepings.
    • Princess Twilight is the first legend princess not wearing any accessories on her hand like royal gloves or wrist cuff/ armband but has a nail art and she the only Magical Princess of Romi, hasn't catch a Teenieping.
    • Princess Jellystin is first and only princesses have the unique style dress half-sleeve with the sleeveless in right and transparent long sleeve in left and she wears a flower shape surround on her elbow and don't wear any wrist cuff or glove on hand.
    • To make she is the second princesses being bare handed, but she has worn nail polish.
    • One of the princesses who does not have their hair color matching their theme color:
    • Princess Heart has blonde hair, but her dress has pink.
    • Princess Gloria has ginger blonde hair, but her dress has yellow.
    • Princess Jellystin has purple hair, but her dress has orange.
    • Princess Harmonious has light blonde hair and has pink streak on her hair unlike the other blonde princesses.
    • In season one In the English dub: Princess Cloudia was mistaken as representing "Honesty" but represents Rightness as it's Dadaping's rightful concept. Unlike Princess Gloria was confirmed to be the only Princess of Honesty.
    • Princess Harmonious is the only legend princess that could transform into a giant just like Princess Heart but unlike her she was become giant through from Curieping's Magic.
  • Princess Veronica is the only princess once the medal enters the cube, there is no background.
  • Princess Veronica is the first magical princess to have light aura.
  • "In season one every princess has their own signature symbol that matches with their names:"
    • Princess Heart is a lovely princess that has a heart symbol on her bow, tiara headband and earrings that represents love.
    • Princess Star is a bravery princess that has a star symbol on her bow, shoes and tiara that represents courage.
    • Princess Cloudia is a rightful princess that has a cloud symbol on her bow and hair clip that represents rightfulness.
    • Princess Clover is a hopeful princess that has a clover symbol on her orange bow, hair clip, shoes and tiara that represents hope
    • Princess Melody is a musical joyful princess that has a musical note(s) on her outfit: hair, dress, matching periwinkle bows with a musical note and her hat.
    • Princess Sunshine is a happy princess that has a sunburst star-like shaped symbol on her bow, hair clip and shoes that represents happiness.
    • Princess Veronica is a special victorious princess that has the most unique symbol of a Royal Teenieping's badge having a crown that represents of a royal's power and honor.
  • In some cases where in Romi's place a princess is caught by someone not from the Emotions Kingdom, Romi (or the princess) may shrug it off as someone else being lost, in order to not spread of the secrecy of the kingdom.
  • "In Twinkle Catch! Teenieping, a jewel princess has her matching meaning and represented with her gemstone name:"
  • Princess Diaheart is a heart-shaped (pink) diamond princess, the diamond represents: love and strength.
  • Princess Aurora is the first legend princess to have enchanted wings to fly unlike the other special princesses.
  • Season 5 is the first season to have the princesses all wear eyeshadows.
  • So far, the princess in Heartsping: Teenieping of Love is the only one to not have an official name.


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