The Royal Teeniepings, also known as the Royalpings, are the main Teeniepings of the series. They are very smart, loyal, and powerful Teeniepings who are in charge of serving the royal family of the Emotions Kingdom, and helping Romi in her catching mission by settling with her each season.
Each sub-specie of Teeniepings has its specific category of Royal Teeniepings, appearing as the main Teeniepings of their respective seasons. Additionally, Teeniepings can become Royal Teeniepings by graduating at the Royal Teenieping School.

Jellyping's royal symbol
While the Royal Teeniepings have the exact same appearance as regular Teeniepings, they have a distinctive sign allowing them to stand out from other Teeniepings, this being their golden symbol on their chest: it is a golden crown with two arches at its left and right.
Currently, eighteen Teeniepings are known to be Royal Teeniepings, from three to six Teeniepings per sub-specie:

Royal Emotion Teeniepings
The six Royal Emotion Teeniepings, introduced in Season 1, who have a lot of different roles as they also are serving the royal family and taking care of the Royal Teenieping School from Season 2 onwards.

Royal Jewel Teeniepings
The three Royal Jewel Teeniepings, introduced in Twinkle Catch! Teenieping, with the exception that they are the only Teeniepings that do not appear as Royal Teeniepings during their season as they only gain their roles at the end of the season.

Royal Key Teeniepings
The three Royal Key Teeniepings, introduced in Secret Catch! Teenieping, who live a peaceful life at the Mystic Town.

Royal Dessert Teeniepings
The three Royal Dessert Teeniepings, introduced in Dessert Catch! Teenieping, who live a peaceful life at the Dessert Village.

Royal Star Teeniepings
The three Royal Star Teeniepings, introduced in Star Catch! Teenieping, who live a peaceful life at the Space Star Village.
Former Royal Teeniepings[]

Onlyping, a former Royal Teenieping
Two exceptions exist, however, as two Teeniepings used to be Royal Teeniepings in the past: starting with Egoping, who proclaims herself as the "Forgotten Royal Teenieping". Nothing else is known about this, but the story seems to be legitimate, given Heartsping's reaction to this (which hints that she knows about her). And then comes Onlyping, who also quit her role for reasons that still remain unclear, but whose story is not questioned, given her incredible magical abilities and the sayings of many people.
The different sub-species of Royal Teeniepings do not seem to interact much with each other, as they are all inhabiting their respective lands. However, they will visit Earth during special occasions.
Known Royal Teeniepings[]
Royal Emotion Teeniepings

The Royal Teenieping of love, Heart and love themed, she accompanies Romi in her mission, as she is Romi's personal Teenieping.

The Royal Teenieping of honesty; he is studious, smart and organized. Cloud-themed, he often helps the team with his large knowledge and inventive ideas.

The Royal Teenieping of courage; he is sporty, brave and energetic. Star-themed, he likes challenges and acts impulsively, which sometimes makes him lose touch with reality.

The Royal Teenieping of hope; she has a calm personality. Nature-themed, she loves nature and flowers, and never loses hope during difficult times.

The Royal Teenieping of joy; she is energetic and cheerful. Music-themed, she likes to sing very loudly to express her feelings and lift the team's mood.

The Royal Teenieping of happiness, and sunshine-themed; she keeps a happy and upbeat personality and loves to play with bubbles. It's later revealed that she was the Teenieping who transformed into Giggleping.
Royal Jewel Teeniepings
The Teenieping of kindness, who is warm and sensitive. Wielding the Emerald, she is always ready to help her friends, and always stays nice to everyone.
The Teenieping of laughter, possessing a tomboy personality. Wielding the Ruby, she likes to play and engage herself in crazy activities to have good times with her friends.
The Teenieping of trust, he is cute and naïve. Wielding the Sapphire, he is faithful and innocent and easily believes anyone, and loves to eat chocolate balls.
Royal Key Teeniepings

The Teenieping of peace, with a gentle, caring personality. Winter-themed, she is thoughtful and sociable, as she likes things to stay peaceful.

The Teenieping of passion, full of devotion and confidence. Sunshine-themed, she has strong passions but short patience, which sometimes makes her sloppy.

The Teenieping of honesty, with a cute, whiny type of personality. Star-themed, he likes to be honest with himself and with others, which can sometimes create uncomfortable situations.
Royal Dessert Teeniepings

The Royal Dessert Teenieping of positivity, sherbert-themed. She deeply considers her friends and always listens to what others have to say.

The Royal Dessert Teenieping of purity, cotton candy-themed. She believes nothing is fundamentally bad. However, this way of thinking will sometimes make her cause accidents.

The Royal Dessert Teenieping of enthusiasm, jelly-themed. She doesn't think much before acting and quickly forgets about her problems, as she always looks for the most fun activities.
Royal Star Teeniepings

The Royal Star Teenieping of Healing. She radiates kindness and femininity, with a deep sensitivity to small things and she often finds herself moved to tears by even the simplest moments.

The Royal Star Teenieping of Wishes. Always confident and full of energy, she has a tomboyish personality. she encourages not just herself but also her friends to embrace self-love, believing that everyone should celebrate their individuality.

The Royal Star Teenieping of Brightness. She’s a mysterious nerd with a wealth of knowledge. She tends to be forgetful and silly, however, she can be potentially intelligent.

The Royal Star Teenieping of Excellence.

The Royal Key Teeniepings facing danger to save their friends
The Royal Teeniepings have many different roles, that may differ depending on the sub-specie of the Royal Teeniepings. First of all, their common role that every Royal Teenieping has is to watch over and protect their specific specie of Teeniepings. Most of them simply reside with their friends and live a normal life, but get ready to fight when danger arises: when the Teeniepings are freed, for example, they must go and help Romi.

The Royal Emotion Teeniepings greeting the royal family
Some Royal Teeniepings may also have bigger roles, such as serving the royal family: they have to take care of the royal family, by simply spending time with them (notably Romi when she was younger), as, even though they may seem serious, they also are as childish as all the other Teeniepings, and like to do all sorts of fun activities. Certain Teeniepings may even become the personal guards of some persons, meaning that they start to spend their days with the person they have to guard, to entertain and protect them. This role mainly requires qualities such as being funny, nice, but also requires some form of respect towards the royal family, as they must follow some etiquette rules, such as a special greeting.

The Royal Jewel Teeniepings amazed by Romi's power
Finally, the oldest and most mature Royal Teeniepings become in charge of the Royal Teenieping School: this role requires a lot of maturity, as the Royal Teeniepings become teachers of the most powerful magic in the Kingdom. And that's not all, as, when in this role, they can also have special missions: for example, when a specific sub-specie of Teeniepings has no Royal Teeniepings, they can to some extent fill the gap, by going at a certain place to lead the investigation (along with Dr. Monziu), and inform the royal family of what is happening there.

The Royal Emotion Teeniepings worried
At some point, six Teeniepings (Heartsping, Dadaping, Gogoping, Chachaping, Lalaping and Happying) become Royal Teeniepings. When Romi is born, Heartsping gets in charge of taking of her, and all the other Royal Teeniepings spend time with her.
However, Egoping manages to turn Happying into her evil ego Giggleping with the help of the Yummy Fruit, and, when Romi enters the Cube Chamber, led by the evil forces of Giggleping, and accidentally releases all the Teeniepings on Earth, all four Royal Teenipings, with the exception of Heartsping who is saved by Romi when the cubes explode, get all scattered in Harmony Town.
Season 1[]

the Royal Emotion Teeniepings attacking Zipping
Romi then goes on Earth with Heartsping who settles in the Teenieping House, and quickly manages to find all of Heartsping's missing colleagues except Happying. They also all settle in the Teenieping House, and get ready to help her at any time of the day by transforming her into a princess, or by helping her with their knowledge of the Kingdom's magic.
They come as a great help when something unexpected happens, like when Romi somehow manages to get hit by Nonoping's magic, making her refuse everything she's asked, or when some of them have to care of baby Lena, transformed by Bebeping. They quickly get used to their new life on Earth, as they spend their time on fun activities altogether with Romi.
However, as time goes on, they get worried about Happying, who still hasn't reappeared. In the meantime, they have to face their new enemy Giggleping, who tries all sorts of crazy plans to steal Romi's Magic Catcher. But then, in "Happying's Back", they finally discover the truth about Giggleping and Happying, and, thanks to Romi's magic, get back to their missing colleague.
Finally, they face Egoping in "In The Name Of The Royalpings", and, after many attempts, failed to catch her. The desperate situation even leads Happying to sacrifice herself for Romi, by using the power of the golden chest to try to stop Egoping, which unfortunately fails. When everything seems lost, Egoping locks them in one of her tiny balls, but then, Heartsping's tear magic activates, which transforms Romi into Princess Veronica, and resuscitates Happying. They all combine their forces to finally stop Egoping, allowing Romi to catch her.
As the last missing Teenieping is now caught, making Romi's mission complete, they return to the Emotions Kingdom with her before going to Earth after Romi's parents grant her permission to do so. They start to live a new, peaceful life, without any danger or Teenieping to catch.
Season 2[]

The three Jewel Teenieping students becoming Royal Jewel Teeniepings
They, with the exception of Heartsping who stays with Romi, all return to the Emotions Kingdom to take care of the Royal Teenieping School, a new school meant to train the next Royal Teeniepings. But when, in "Twinkle Twinkle Jewel Teeniepings", danger arises in the Jewel Forest, they run and encounter, Maskping who released all the Jewel Teeniepings on Earth. They alert the royal family of what happened, but meanwhile, they are preceded by three Teeniepings of their school, who decide to go on Earth with Dr. Monziu's newly built tool.
Later, Dr. Monziu decides that the newbie Teeniepings will take the place of the Royal Teeniepings and help Romi throughout her mission, which makes them quite jealous. While Heartsping gets in charge of them and opens the Teenieping School, her colleagues, most notably Happying, start to lead the investigation to discover Maskping's true identity and motives.
They are ready to do everything to stop Maskping from further harming Romi and the Teeniepings. Most notably in "Royal Teenieping Face-Off!", after Happying catches Maskping about to make a new attack, they decide to return to Earth to replace the newbies Teeniepings. But after a duel, the newbies succeed in keeping their position. They return on Earth a second time for the Jewel Teenieping Graduation Ceremony, in "Teenieping School Graduation".
But after the party, Maskping makes his last attack and kidnaps Heartsping. While Romi, Jennie and later the Jewel Teeniepings decide to go, they support her and try to gather the clues they have about Maskping to finally discover who she is, when Happying comes out and reveals the encounter she has with Maskping, leading them to all discover their secret.
In the end, after the Jewel Teeniepings finally get back in the Jewel Forest, the three newbies Teeniepings finally become Royal Teeniepings as their training is now complete.
Season 3[]

(Caption Needed)
However, Jennie betrays Romi and managed to steal the Master Key away from Luckyping in Secret Catch! Key Teeniepings , causing mayhem around the town. The three Royal Key Teeniepings take a peek on what was going on, hearing about the fact that Jennie is a princess, and oddly mistaking her as Romi as they thought that she's the only princess.
Just as when they need to take action, they're caught by Onlyping, who recognizes that the three of them are Royal Teeniepings, and attacks them. Left with no other option, the Royal Key Teeniepings rush to the portal before jumping in, and they're being transported to Earth.
The Royal Key Teeniepings join Romi and tell her all about this incident while also being accompanied by the mysterious Teenieping in a box. They join the catching scene alongside a new device called the Mystic Heart Wing. Time passes by with many unexpected events to happen such as Romi and the Key Teeniepings being sucked into the book "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in "Snow White Romi."
Regardless, the Royal Key Teeniepings soon meet their friends once again as they continue their adventure to find them all.
Then in "Teenieping Amusement Park for Everyone," an unexpected mayhem caused by Onlyping has their fun ruined in their time having fun in the park. A Teenieping inside a box rescues them, also considers herself as the Legend Teenieping named Luckyping.
Once they've heard everything from her, they're now headed to catch the final Key Teenieping, but Onlyping is making their catch a failure, and stalling them from catching her. She not only traps Twirlping into a magic pearl, but she also makes three copies of her from the original.
To make matters worse, Princess Floraheart uses the Mystic Heart Wing Bow on the wrong Twirlping, so it splits into two more, making five Twirlpings. However, they manage to catch the last Teenieping, Twirlping, due to the fact that despite Twirlping's cold appearance, her tears are warm. With this renewed strength, Romi manages to select the correct answer and free Twirlping from Onlyping's magic before catching her with the Mystic Heart Wing.
Now that all of the Key Teeniepings have been captured, the Master Key's ownership has been transferred from Jennie to Romi. Back in the bakery, the Royal Key Teeniepings are speculating about who Luckyping will look like when she gets free from her box. Regardless, Romi uses the Master Key to free Luckyping from her box.
Once the box is open, a bright light shines through as Luckyping reveals herself to everyone and sprinkles a Tinkle Puff shower as a show of gratitude for Romi and the Royal Key Teeniepings for catching all of the Key Teeniepings.
Soon after, Luckyping uses her magic with the Master Key to make all of the Key Teeniepings' personal keys form together to create a giant key so that it can create a portal door to the Mystic Town in Teenieping Fashion Show.
While the giant key is busy forming, everyone decides to help out the Teenieping Fashion Show, hosted by Fashionping. The Royal Key Teeniepings and Luckyping are learning how to properly walk down the runway. Even though they didn't get it the first time, after Fashionping's teaching, they're able to master the proper walk for the Fashion Show.
Once the preparations have been completed, the Teenieping Fashion Show commences with the Royal Key Teeniepings showing off the clothing while a song is playing in the background.
Afterwards, the giant key is completed and makes a portal door to the Mystic Town; however, Jennie and Onlyping step through the portal, and with it, catch all of the Key Teeniepings with the Raven Heart Wing. Thankfully, Luckyping protects the Royal Key Teeniepings from the impact.
Unfortunately, Jennie transforms with Onlyping into Princess Labyrinth, releases a powerful and harmful shockwave, and seizes Luckyping. Left with no other option, Romi and the Royal Key Teeniepings enter the portal to the Mystic Town just before it closes.
On their way to the Mystic Town where Jennie and the captive Key Teeniepings are at, the Royal Key Teeniepings get separated from Romi and Heartsping due to the formation of a maze.
In the meantime, the Royal Key Teeniepings go through the obstacle course, and soon meet up with Romi and Heartsping while the two narrowly escape their demise by almost falling into the bottomless pit.
Unfortunately, the giant cubes form together to create monster, but thanks to Okeydokeyping's Snowman Pet, they're able to take it out before making their way to the final battle.
Afterwards, the Royal Key Teeniepings manage to catch up just as when Romi and Jennie are fighting each other. However, Onlyping interferes and tries to stop them, so the Royal Key Teeniepings are busy with dealing with her while the battle is still commencing.
Once the battle is over, and the Mystic Town reverts back to the way it once was, the Royal Key Teeniepings are astonished at the sight and congratulate themselves for a job well done.
Back in the Emotions Kingdom, the royal family congratulates them for all of their efforts, but the Royal Key Teeniepings are concerned when Onlyping receives punishment for all of the terrible things that she's committed.
Even though Onlyping has harmed the Key Teeniepings, the Royal Key Teeniepings invite her, ride on the Jewel Dragon's back to head to the Mystic Town, and forgive Onlyping for everything that she's done.
With everything settled down, the Royal Key Teeniepings say goodbye to Romi just before Luckyping awards them with a Tinkle Puff shower.
Season 4[]
Back in the Dessert Village, the Royal Dessert Teeniepings are hard at work, making desserts for the Emotions Kingdom and the Mystic Town and distributing them. Although, they're all working in the Dessert Factory, Fluffyping is strangely not present with them.
Jellyping and Shashaping soon find Fluffyping near the Chocolate River with the former admonishing her for not showing up for work.
However, things take a turn for the worse as the clouds are covering the sky, creating a dark and grim atmosphere. As soon as the Royal Dessert Teeniepings get back to Dessert Village, they discover that their Dessert Teenieping friends are missing.
Soon enough, they discover that the Magic Sugar Ball, which is supposed to be on top of the Cake Castle, isn't there. Understandably, they head over to the Cake Castle and investigate on where it could be.
They notice that Puffping is strangely here, but they soon realize that he's the one who stole the Magic Sugar Ball. Unfortunately, Puffping takes off with the Magic Sugar Ball after he chews one of his bubble gums to inflate himself, and blows himself away.
To make matters worse, all of the color in the Dessert Village is fading away, so the Royal Dessert Teeniepings go to the first floor of the Cake Castle and grab the Sugar Berry Pact just before the portal reopens. A huge gust of wind sucks up the Royal Dessert Teeniepings and transports them to Earth.
However, Fluffyping with the Sugar Berry Pact gets separated from Shashaping and Jellyping, and mistakens Lena for Romi. Once Shashaping and Jellyping find and explain everything to Romi, they need to get back the Sugar Berry Pact and rescue Fluffyping from Lena.
With Candyping's help, they manage to retrieve Fluffyping and the Sugar Berry Pact, and Romi (who's transformed with Heartsping into Princess Berryheart) catches Candyping.
From there, the Royal Dessert Teeniepings accompany Romi to help her catch all of the Dessert Teeniepings while dealing with Puffping's interference with preventing her mission from being complete.
They narrowly catch Puffping in "Catch Puffping," get caught whenever the Sugar Berry Pact and the Magic Sugar Ball interact with each other such as in "Fluffyping And Her Tiny Friends," and enter the Dessert Village while learning about what had happened that caused the Dessert Teenipings to suddenly leave the village, and eventually encounter two squabbling Teeniepings in their respective chests before teleporting back to Harmony Town in "Romi Goes To The Dessert Village."
However, while Romi and the Royal Dessert Teeniepings are talking to Dr. Monziu over Romi's mirror, a strange phenomenon has made the Sugar Berry Pact act on its own. Romi grabs the Sugar Berry Pact to try and stop it, but it does no good as it has a mind of its own and brings her to where the Dessert Teeniepings are at, in the Teenieping Village.
Following this, the Sugar Berry Pact goes out of control as its releasing a lot of Tinkle Puff all over the place; three of the Tinkle Puffs even manage to trap the Royal Dessert Teeniepings (except Heartsping) in their own Sugar Shields.
Just as when their Sugar Shields are shrinking and are threatening to crush them, the two Teeniepings in the chests who couldn't stop arguing manage to put an end to the Sugar Berry Pact's behavior. With that, the Royal Dessert Teeniepings get released from their own Sugar Shields.
Romi recognizes that its the power of Legend Teeniepings, Sweetping and Tangyping. The two explain how they got in this situation involving an argument over whether to make the cake sweet or make it sour before escalating to direct insults to each other.
Even though they all try to push the Cake Chests to become one, it doesn't work as due to their lingering resentment towards each other. Understandably, Shashaping gets tired and frustrated about their stubbornnesses to apologize to each other, so she calls them out on the fact that while they're busying arguing, they're oblivious to the state that the Dessert Village is in.
Sweetping and Tangyping's realization has been struck when they're being told that the Cake Castle is on the verge of collapsing. With this renewed agreement, they're reminded of the mission that they've forgotten, and merge the two Cake Chests into one.
After the reconciliation between the two Legend Teeniepings, the Royal Dessert Teeniepings have a dessert party, but just as when Sweetping and Tangyping are cutting the cake, Puffping had sabotaged the cake beforehand, and his corrupted bubble gums have trapped the Royal Dessert Teeniepings.
Soon enough, Sweetping and Tangyping free everyone from Puffping's confines while the Royal Dessert Teeniepings go after Puffping and get back the Magic Sugar Ball and the Sugar Berry Pact.
After an intense battle, Romi manages to catch Puffping, the last Dessert Teenieping. However, despite Puffping's desires that have seemingly gone away, he's still obsessed with the Magic Sugar Ball and touches it.
As a consequence, the Magic Sugar Ball gets absorbed into his body and violet bubbles inflate and cover his entire body before transforming him into a monster.
The Royal Dessert Teeniepings lead him to a trap, but he still breaks free from it while they're guards are down before making and entering the portal to the Dessert Village. As they all enter the Dessert Village, the Royal Dessert Teeniepings and Romi rush to the Cake Castle to place the Sugar Berry Pact on its stand to protect it.
Unfortunately, the Sugar Berry Pact gets broken along the way, and it doesn't help that Puffping is nearing his goal of destroying the Cake Castle. When all hope seems lost, Sweetping and Tangyping in their shape forms come together with Romi to help her transform into Princess Harmonious.
Once Puffping is able to realize the errors of his ways, the apology and the hug from Sweetping and Tangyping, and that he's reminded of who he truly is, he comes to terms with his faults before grabbing Romi's hand. Thus, the Magic Sugar Ball purifies itself and restores the Cake Castle and the Dessert Village.
The Royal Dessert Teeniepings are astonished at the sight, but are soon devastated at the thought that Sweetping and Tangyping had sacrificed themselves to save the Cake Castle and the Dessert Village.
Later at night, in Harmony Town, Romi receives a package from a mysterious Teenieping that reveals the desserts and a photo of all Dessert Teeniepings in front of the Cake Castle now that Puffping's finally made friends, which surprisingly includes Sweetping and Tangyping.
The Royal Dessert Teeniepings bid farewell to Romi until they meet again.
Season 5[]
- Each season has a blue Royal Teenieping (Dadaping. Trustping, Okeydokeyping, Shashaping, and Shimmerping).
- Gogoping and Lalaping are the only Royal Teeniepings to be caught by Romi.