Catch! Teenieping Wiki
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The Secret Castle is a miniature magical castle used as the Key Teeniepings' residency in Secret Catch! Teenieping. It was created by Dr. Monziu, and, as its name suggests, contains many secret rooms or features.


The Secret Castle is a pink castle with four different colored rooftops. In the middle, it has a pink rooftop with a crown symbol on it, a gold mirror on the bottom and a top with a heart symbol on it. On the left, is has a gold roof with a yellow flagpole on top, and with a pink flower, a heart and a blue bow on it. Alongside is has a purple roof with a purple flagpole, a rose, a pink flower and a yellow bow. On the right, it has a blue and a red on at the bottom that also have decorations on them.

The middle area has a yellow floor with pink flowers, a red carpet, a fountain and a yellow and pink seesaw. The first floor has a red glittery coach, a fireplace with candles and a rose on top. It also has blue shelf with food and drinks, a yellow table with a pink and white teapot, a cake and bowl of apples and berries, and lastly on the right, it has a purple stairway.

On the right on the top floor, it has a yellow door with a pink ribbon and a keyhole on the upper left, it has a shelf with lamb and a yellow box on it, and above it, it has a picture of planets with a gold frame alongside with pink door on the left beside it. On the right, it has as pink ladder that climbs to a bookshelf with a gold term on top, difference color books and a cyan floor attached to it.

On the left, there's an area attached to it that has a cyan window, a pink clock, and a shelf with flowers. On top it has a pink mirror, a pink dresser and a purple makeup stand with a perfume bottle. On the right, there's another area attached to it that resembles a bathing room. It has a gold shower valve, a cyan shelf with showers stuff and a toy duck. It has a white pole with two towels, a yellow carpet white and pink and blue hearts in the middle, and a gray glittery fence. On the bottom, it has a red cabinet with a bow symbol on top, a pink heart doorknob and with bathing supplies inside.


First Floor[]

The first floor has a place on where the Key Teeniepings rest, and shows many for them places to enjoy and play in.

Second Floor[]

The second floor has a few secret doors for the Key Teeniepings to unlock. There's also a balcony on the roof

Other Places[]

S3E6 - Teenieping Hospital Photo

Teenieping Hospital
The Teenieping Hospital is shown at the right of the Secret Castle, this place is designed for Cureping and the Nursepings to treat their patients.

S3E21 - Teenieping Park unboxed

Teenieping Park
The Teenieping Park is on top of the Secret Castle, this is where the teeniepings get rid of their boredom as it has many rides that are very interactive.


The Secret Castle has a few secret doors for the Key Teeniepings to unlock by using their personal keys. The yellow door with a pink bow dispenses the pocky sticks, or whatever the Key Teeniepings' deepest desires are. The pink door dispenses out several books inside, including the Magical Fairytale Book.


Transform! Floraheart[]

After catching Hurryping and having a conversation with Dr. Monziu, Romi presses the heart symbol on the Mystic Heart Wing when he mentions that he packed a gift for them. Upon pressing it, the Secret Castle appears alongside the Teenieping Carriage and lands on to Romi's desk.

The Royal Key Teeniepings then go inside the Secret Castle where they’ll be staying until they can catch all of the Key Teeniepings and get back to the Mystic Town.

Residing in the Secret Castle[]

Since then, Romi and the Royal Key Teeniepings go off and catch all of the freed Key Teeniepings. From there, all of the Key Teeniepings who've been caught will stay in the Secret Castle until they're all ready to get back to their home.

Overeating is Dangerous, Yum yum![]

When Romi wouldn't give the Royal Key Teeniepings anymore pocky sticks, Nanaping uses her personal key to unlock one of the doors in the Secret Castle.

Once it's been unlocked, it dispenses a lot of pocky sticks for the Royal Key Teeniepings to enjoy, which seems to give them whatever they want.

Snow White Romi[]

While the Key Teeniepings are playing Red Light Green Light, Cureping notices a door from the Secret Castle that's supposedly never been opened. With that, Handyping goes up to the door and uses his personal key to open it. The door opens to disperse several books, including the Magical Fairytale Book.

Teenieping Fashion Show[]

After all of the Key Teeniepings have been caught, and the Luckyping uses the Master Key to combine all of the Key Teeniepings' personal keys to form the giant key for them to get back to the Mystic Town, Fashionping is distraught at the thought of going back home whereas everyone is thrilled about it.

Fortunately, Luckyping informs her and everyone else that the formation of the giant key will take a long time for it to be complete, so all of the Key Teeniepings including Luckyping decide to go with the fashion show so that Fashiongping can show off her Heartrose collection.

During the preparations, Handyping constructs the stage, Wizping lights up a firework only for Hotping to immediately put it out with her fire extinguisher, Justiceping is riding on his scooter to guard the stage and spots someone in the shadows only for them to disappear when he investigated, and the Royal Key Teeniepings and Luckyping succeed in properly walking down the runway.

When night comes, the Key Teeniepings fall asleep after a hard days work. Onlyping sneaks in the bakery to try and grab the Master Key, but to no avail since there's a magical force field that protects the key.

Afterwards, Romi, Maya, Marylou, and the Royal Jewel Teeniepings arrive at the fashion show to watch from the audience as a song plays in the background while the Royal Key Teeniepings and Luckyping show off Fashionping's designs.


  • The Secret Castle is the typical Teeniepings' Earth residency, present in every season: it succeeds the Teenieping House from Season 1, the Teenieping School from Season 2, and is later replaced by the Teenieping Village from Season 4, and the Celestial from Season 5.
    • However, the Secret Castle stands out as it is the first ever structure to contain some kind of magic, which was moreover used as a major plot point in "Snow White Romi".
    • Also, the Secret Castle is the first residency amongst all these whose name does not start with "Teenieping".
  • The Secret Castle also has its mysteries as some of its locations were left almost unused during the season, despite having been modeled:
    • The secret cozy room, which had only briefly appeared in "Come on, Okeydokeyping! Let's go get them!", as Okeydokeyping accidentally enters the room while trying to avoid the other Teeniepings.
      • The access to the room isn't even shown, but the merchandise allows to locate the room inside the wall at the very top of the structure[1].
    • The hot air balloon station, which wasn't featured at all, and was only briefly seen in a few shots when Romi and the Teeniepings are in the carriage in "Teenieping Amusement Park for Everyone".
      • This situation is very strange as usually, creating models for locations in CGI animation is pretty expensive, so animators try to make the investment worth it by showing them a lot onscreen, but, strangely enough, it wasn't the case here.
    • In "Teenieping Amusement Park for Everyone", the food truck where Onlyping is briefly seen working is actually the exact same food truck that was briefly seen in Season 2's episode "Welcome to Teenieping School!", with the only addition being the popcorns at the back.
      • This is currently the only occurrence where a structure from a previous season has been reused.


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